
Showing posts from August, 2022

August 31 2022

 Today Mr.Rease was out and we were given an assignment on quotes from a poem. The assignment was a bit confusing and even the teacher watching over us gave it a shot and gave up after a sentence so I don't feel bad for not making it far. 

August 30, 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we had a bellringer about love. Love is an interesting topic to talk about at our age as I feel we have not been around long enough to truly know what love is. We may feel a strong liking towards someone, but it could simply be a desire for friendship or something not meant to be a romantic relationship. Afterwards, we read another poem by Emily Dickson. This poem is called Heart, we will forget him. It is a poem talking about getting over a person you are in love with, connecting/relating to our bellringer. The way I see it, the poem was talking about how the heart does not let go of love easily. This makes sense because after a while you can become attached to someone and letting go of that person is not an easy task as you are losing a part of you when u let them go since the right person can really have a big impact on your life. That's the way I feel about the poem.

August 29 2022

 Today in class we had a bellringer about space(in previous blog). After our bellringer, we read and analyzed a poem by Emily Dickson called "A Funeral in my Brain". The poem was very deep and was about going mentally insane. It could also be compared to a real funeral and being buried alive. We also listened to a girl read the poem and I love the emotion that she put into the reading. The poem was overall enjoyable and I can't wait to read another one of Emily Dickson's poems.

Bellringer- August 29 2022

I believe that the possibility of life existing outside of earth is extremely possible because of the absolutely massive size of the universe. Especially after seeing how small earth is from the view on Mars, which I think is pretty cool how the earth looks so small from a planet that isn't too far away from us, there has to be more out there and we can't be the only ones. After hearing the blackhole I am surprised because I always thought space was silent my whole life. It makes me wonder if the blackhole makes a different sound as it emerges and dissappears. I feel very small compared to the universe even though I knew the universe was large. Seeing the picture of earth from Mars makes me feel even smaller.

August 26 2022

 Today in Mr.Rease's class we watched a short film called life. It showed how people approach situations differently. It also had a quote basically saying to not over complicate things, which I agree with. We then made a list of simple things people tend to over complicate and my main one was driving. I feel driving is a task that some people over complicate by thinking too hard. When driving all you have to do is make split decisions, follow the road signs, and turn. After the short film response we analyzed a poem about a group of teenagers doing a lot of bad illegal actions like playing street games, drinking alcohol and doing drugs. The poem teaches you to not rush life and instead cherish it. I also take away that you should be careful who you hang around.

August 25 2022

 Today in Mr.Rease's class, we were talking about rhetoric situations. It was a pretty simple thing to learn. It basically just breaks down the components of an argument. There were 6 difference parts: exigence(the issue causing the argument), the audience, the writer/speaker, purpose, context, and message. We then broke down a speech from Keisha Lance-Bottoms. I found the assignment pretty easy and fun to do.

August 24 2022

 This is what we did today in Mr.Rease's class.

Convincing the teacher

Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals(logos ,pathos, and ethos). Mr.Rease told us to convince him to give the class a free day on Friday. When it comes to ethos, I am a high-school student who participates in band and have all ap and accelerated classes. In terms of logos, heavily packed schedules leads to lack of sleep. Less academic success is associated with lack of sleep. Having friday as a free day is less work and strain on students. It can even allow for other students with more lax schedules to catch up. In terms pathos, stress is very unhealthy. Us students are already pounded by tons of work which can stress us out and take a mental toll on us, especially if you have ap or accelerated classes and do something after or outside of school. Mental issues are very serious and sometimes when you feel overwhelmed and trapped, you start to break down. Mental break downs can lead to things like suicide. Avoid having to deal with a students suicide that was partially your fa


 Today we talked about native American literature in 4th block. We read a passage about an old native myth about the creation of the world and events in time. We compared the events to things in the Bible and had a funny discussion about the events. The native people's stories are very interesting and I can't wait to read more.


 Today in Mr.Reases class, we watched a short film like usual and it was about a girl who hid her identity because she was scared to be herself. She later realized she was truly beautiful behind the mask and walks around freely. The theme I viewed in the video was never be afraid to be yourself. They we got to the main event of class. We were given unpopular opinions the day before but because of a junior meeting, were forced to cut class short. My unpopular opinion was black people don't tip. Although I don't actually agree, I had to agree for the assignment and I had fun with it. I believe I provided sufficient evidence like personal experience with others. I got good and interesting reactions from the class as well.

August 18 2022

 Today was an ok day. In 4th period today we watched a short film called "The Elevator". It was an entertaining film and I feel that it could be interpreted in different ways. The way is saw it, the theme was to never judge a book by and to never take things for granted. We then proceeded to take notes on arguments and claims. These are topics I felt I had a good understanding on before and after the lesson. We were also going to play a game that seemed fun where we had to support unpopular opinions. I got "black don't tip". Sadly, class was cut short by a junior meeting. 

August 16 2022

 Today was a normal day and nothing really stuck out to me. In 4th period we watched a video called 2+2=5. Afterwards we reflected on the video. After watching the video I felt it was made to show the different type of mind sets people have in reaction to misinformation from authority. I think people should stand up against misinformation like that and fight for what they believe in. This is what one of the kids in the video did. Even though he was removed I still like and respect his approach to the teachers lesson. After that we took some notes and then read and analyzed a Langston Hughes poem. The poem was about the black race and how they have done a lot and deserve fair treatment. I liked the language used in the poem as in the words were very powerful and descriptive.

My life's purpose

I believe my purpose in life is to help people. I like the idea of being able to make people's lives better. It brings me joy seeing people get or feel better after I help them. Because of the joy I get from helping others I feel I have a calling for it. I want to be a pharmacist when I grow up.

August 15 2022

 Today was an ok day. 1st period was good like always and 2nd period was alright. 3rd period gave me a headache because of new kind of difficult concept we were learning. Afterwards I headed to Mr.Rease's class and sat down. Today in class we watched a TED talk about effort. I feel like that was something I needed and it gave me motivation. I honestly feel I will start to put more effort towards everything I do now. Afterwards we had a lesson about formal and informal language. I already had prior knowledge but Mr.Rease gave more specifics like what to use and not use depending on the type of language. I already knew when to use which language depending on the situation though. One thing I like about Mr.Rease's class we tend to disagree with him which allows for arguments and I love a good argument. But afterwards we had to write a letter like we were trying to be accepted to a college in formal language. I had a little writers block because I didn't really know how to appr


     Hello, my name is Adriel Ammah. I attend Cedar Grove, I am 16, and I am from the state of Georgia. For fun I enjoy playing games, like outside activities with friends and games on my Playstation. I also enjoy listening to and making music. 3 goals I have for the school year are get better on trumpet, get all A's, and pass the Georgia  milestones.