August 30, 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we had a bellringer about love. Love is an interesting topic to talk about at our age as I feel we have not been around long enough to truly know what love is. We may feel a strong liking towards someone, but it could simply be a desire for friendship or something not meant to be a romantic relationship. Afterwards, we read another poem by Emily Dickson. This poem is called Heart, we will forget him. It is a poem talking about getting over a person you are in love with, connecting/relating to our bellringer. The way I see it, the poem was talking about how the heart does not let go of love easily. This makes sense because after a while you can become attached to someone and letting go of that person is not an easy task as you are losing a part of you when u let them go since the right person can really have a big impact on your life. That's the way I feel about the poem.


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