Rockpile- custom ending

 With his toe to the head of his fathers heavy shoe, John recieved a swift kick to the face. Greg snapped and couldn't take the silence anymore. John violently jerked backwards before collapsing, grasping his eye in pain. Without even giving him a chance to recuperate, Greg stood up and began to stomp on John. "Damnit boy you had one job, take care your little brother!" "OH MY BABY, MY SWEET SWEET BABY!" Elizabeth loudly sobbed while witnessing the stomp out. She the quickly ran to the room with Delilah in hand. Just then, Roy, who became overwhelmed with guilt, pushed his father off of John, who had become bruised and was bleeding from his head. "Whats the meaning of this boy, ain't it right to give this one here a little scar too?" Greg asked Roy. All the kids beside the poor beating up John held back their father from his rage."DAMNIT! GET TYE HELL OFF ME YOU LITTLE BAST**D!" Greg angrily shouted at the kids. "IM GONNA GET THE IRRISPONSIBLE WH*RE NEXT!" Then suddenly, Elizabeth came around the corner with a gun."SCATTER CHILDREN!" She warned. The kids all scattered then BOOM, a shot sent Greg tumbling to the floor and the kids stared in horror. 10 minutes later police sirens could be heard outside the house.


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