
Showing posts from November, 2022

November 30 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we did practice with narrative essays. I definitely would rather have a narrative than an argumentative essay because they are easier and alot more fun to do. I didn't finish my narrative in class but I think my first paragraph was pretty good.

November 29 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we continued with argumentative essay practice. I found using 2 pieces of evidence from the text to support my claim a little difficult but I understand the concept of the essay. 

November 28 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we did practice with argumentative essays in preparation for the Georgia milestone. The practice was pretty straight forward and helped me with creating claims. 

Novemeber 18 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we presented our found poems. Everybody did well but there were a few that really stood out. Afterwards read so more of "The Color Purple". It made me so sad to see Harpo and Sofia drifting apart the way they were. I hope that in the future they find some way to come back together and rebuild a happy bond. I love Celie and Sofia's relationship they are building. Letter 35 has some very interesting and explicit content that was very juicy. Very fun reading today.

Found Poem from "The Color Purple"

Mama Knows Best "I seen my baby girl." "I knowed it was her." "She look just like me and my daddy." "Like more us then us is ourself."  "She got my eyes just like they is today." "Like everything I seen, she seen, and she pondering it." "I think she mine."  "My heart say she mine."  "If she mine, her name Olivia." "I embroder Olivia in theseat of all her daidies." "I embrody lot of little stars and flowers too." "He took the daidies when he took her." "She was bout two month old."  "Now she bout six"

November 17 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we read more of "The Color Purple". We got to see Shug Avery come to the house and she was very sick. The interactions between her and Mister and her and Celie were very entertaining. Especially when we watched the movie adaptation. "The Color Purple" is honestly a very good book and I can't wait to finish it.

November 16 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we picked up on our reading of "The Color Purple". We read a few letters and made themes from those letters. We then finished by answering a 3 part question that talked about Celie and Sofia and how they compare. It was a nice question to answer.

November 15 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we finished our benchmark.

November 14 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we just took part of a benchmark. It was a little annoying to read the long passages but I got a good amount done.

November 11 2022

Today in Mr.Rease class, we finished up presentations on the literature circle assignment. They went by pretty fast. Afterwards we watched what we read in the book so far for "The Color Purple". The comedy is very effective and I love it. I can't wait to see more Harpo and Sofia interactions.

November 10 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we had my groups present their literature circle assignment. Group 6 was my favorite as they added an attention grabber being a song at the beginning and it definitely got my attention. Although I did find it difficult to think of a question to ask for the 321 assignment we did on each group(3 themes from the letter, 2 things we found interesting, and 1 question about the presentation). But overall, it was a good day in class.

November 9 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, 3 groups, including mine, presented the lietterature circles assignment. The presentation was fun and I think our did very well.

November 8 2022

 Today there was no school. After I finished my personal business and other class work, I worked on the Literature circle assignment we were given yesterday.

November 7 2022

Today in Mr.Reases class, we were given an assignment on a letter from the story "The Color Puprle". We had to identify themes and quote.We were also given roles and I will be the summarizer. Me and my group discussed the assignment and were having fun.

November 4 2022

 Today I did not go to Mr.Reases class because of a pep rally.

November 3 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we took a vocabulary test. It was pretty easy for me and I got a 100. After we continued our assignment from yesterday. We did only 2 quotes and it was pretty simple like always. Afterwards we continued to watch some of "The Color Purple". We got to see how Nettie and Celie bond as sisters and that they are very close. We also saw Mr.___ try to make a move on Nettie but get hit in the crotch which made me happy to see. Then we saw an emotional scene when Mr.___ kicked Nettie out of the house.

November 2 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we read some more of the novel "The Color Purple." We learned a little about one of the children that was taken from Celie. Celie sees a child that she feels is hers and seeing the movie version gave a visual similar to what I imagined. After we read a letter, we would break it down and identify a theme. The task was pretty straight forward but made me think about details of the story more.

November 1 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we, started by watching the first few minutes of the movie adaptation of "The Color Purple". It was very entertaining and I can't wait to get farther in the novel so we can watch more. Afterwards, we answered some comprehension questions about the story. They were a bit challenging and really made me think.