
Showing posts from October, 2022

October 31 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we read "The Color Purple". We had to make a 1 sentence reaction to each letter in the story. The story started off in a very extreme and unexpected way that caught me off guard. I found the story very interesting and I am ready to read the story tomorrow.

Letter response

 This is my response to the first few letters of the color purple.


 This is my bellringer for today.

October 27 2022

 Today Mr.Reases class, we played a kahoot on the story we read "The life you save may be your own". I got first place in it and don't have to take the quiz tomorrow, so I am very happy.

October 26 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we received new vocabulary words. After writing them down, we answered all of our critical thinking questions we made about the story "The life you save may be your own". It was a nice discussion and helped me retain and remember some information from the story.   

October 25 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we finished reading out story. The way it ended was confusing and felt like a cliffhanger, which I hate. I find it crazy that he left the daughter ms.crater at a diner. After finishing the story, we took a vocabulary quiz which I found pretty easy but sadly I missed 1 question and got a 95

October 24 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we read a story about a man, and old lady, and her daughter. The story was pretty interesting and the fact that we didn't finish makes me look forward to finishing tomorrow. We created some questions, wrote some importnat quotes, and described the characters.

October 21 2022

 Today in Mr.Reses class, we took a test on citing evidence. We were given a passage and asked multiple questions. The multiple choice questions were very easy and I believe I got all of them right. The constructed response questions challenged me to think a little deeper but I made it through.

October 20 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we read another passage. It was about the virtual world and how it could be used to escape reality. Some classmates expressed their feelings of suspicion towards it. We were then each given a question to answer and everyone did very well.

October 19 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we did practice on argumentative essays. The practice was pretty straight forward and a little boring but I got it done. 

October 18 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we read another article. This article was about distractions causing car accidents. We then answered some pretty simple questions and moved onto the next assignment which was some vocabulary practice. We were given some words with definitions and then had to plug in some of the words into a paragraph so it made sense. The task was a little difficult but I was able to do it.

October 17 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we practice analyzing and citing from a passage. We answered questions in which we had to support our answers with information from the text. The assignment wasn't very difficult. 

October 14 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we took a benchmark. I made sure to answer every multiple choice question. Unfortunately, I was unable to finish 2 constructed response questions. I hope I still did well regardless.

October 13 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases we read poem called "Birches" by Robert Frost. The poem was long and was about how to live life properly and make the proper decisions at the right times. Here is what we wrote.

Exit Slip


October 12 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class, we read another poem called "I, Too" by Langston Hughes. The poem was in my eyes, a bite back at discrimination. The poem can really get you thinking about nationality and roots and how you act or are treated because of them. We answered a question like that in class today and it was nice to express myself as always.

October 11 2022

 Today, Mr.Reases class was cut extra short so we only had time to read a poem. It was about how life may be difficult but it is not hard. A theme we concluded from it was no matter how many curve balls life throws at you, don't give up. The poem was "Mother to Son" by Langston Hughes.


 Today in Mr.Reases class we presented our poems. It was very fun as the poems were fun to write as they came out well. Poems snd writing in general is just a great outline to dump out all of your enotions. I think our class has some real talent as alot of people had some lines that hit very well. I think mine came out pretty as the class liked it and I had fun writing it. I hope we do some more in the future and present them.

My Poems

 These are my 2 poems about my dream and reciving advice.

October 5 2022

 Today Mr.Rease was not here, so I just relaxed and talk in class while starting my poem.

October 4 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we watched the movie adaptation of Fences. It was pretty entertaining and I feel like the actors were doing very well in the way they acted out their and the emotion they poured into their characters. We answered some questions about the characters and summarized what we saw.

October 3 2022

 Today in Mr.Reases class we finally finished Fences. It felt a bit unsatisfying since Troy died but it was nice to see Raynell grown up and interacting with Cory, who joined the military which is nice. The way the characters changed over time was very interesting. Afterwards we answered some questions on the story that feel allowed us to express our feelings on the story.